Archive for the 'opening ski weekend' Category

Holy Cow – There is snow!

Sunday, October 21st, 2007

I just got back to Thornton from Breckenridge. How Cow – there was a bunch of snow. We BARELY made it back over the continental divide. Many cars – including ours – were spinning their wheels trying deperately to get over the pass. I had better traction on the side of the road, but found our short little car could easily bottom out it I wan’t careful. Through careful twisting of the wheel back and forth, the occasional grain of sand(hey, I’ll take what I can get), and a lot of luck, we made it back over the pass and through the Eisenhower tunnel.

Even after the tunnel it was slick. It’s rare for me to see weather on both sides of the tunnel, but we saw it today. Some cars were exiting the tunnel way too fast, and one nearly went off of the road to the left! I got behind a nice dark horsetrailer with blinking lights and we made the white knuckle journey down the other side of the mountain. I was surprised to see SUVs behind me moving at the same snail’s pace. Maybe we all had a little more excitement than we needed that day. Snow is WONDERFUL to ski on, but horrible to drive through. Visibility was pretty minimal for a good part of the journey down the mountain. From Georgetown onward, it was clear sailing.

I have met the snow of the 2007 Colorado season, and I have this to say:

  • It’s slick
  • It’s fluffy
  • It’s wonderful
  • It makes me giddy
  • I miss it already

What am I waiting for?!

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

I should pack up today and go to the mountains and ski! My buddy Mike was over last Friday(We drank beer and threw knives at my dartboard – it was great!). He asked me “A Basin is open – Why haven’t you gone?” I suddenly knew I had failed God and man with my delay.

Am I preparing for the full season, or delaying? It’s hard to say. Sure, I’m finishing up some projects, and waiting for the amazing snow to fall. Sure, I’m waiting for Copper to open. We’ve got to get up there- Who’s with me?!!

Copper Mountain Opening Day: Nov 2

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

Copper Mountain Ski Resort opens November 2. As many visitors to this blog know, Copper Mountain is one of my favorite local ski resorts. Skiing during the week is especially nice. I can’t wait for the season to start! Their website says “the snow guns are blowin'”. November seems way too far away, so I might have to steal away to loveland or A-basin.

Oh crap: CBS 4’s Stacy Donaldosn just mentioned in passing a “warming trend” coming up. I’m going to call them and see if that can be canceled. Will keep you posted.